
loopy is a program for predicting protein loop conformations or segment mutation by Jason Z. Xiang.

loopyMod is a modification to loopy by Cinque Soto. It is a loop generation algorithm that is used by loopBuilder. It is similar to loopy.

Download software

Click here to download loopy and loopyMod.

System requirements

The current version of loopy supports the following platforms: SGI 6.5, Intel Linux and Windows.

The current version of loopyMod supports Linux.


loopy is a program for protein loop prediction, sequence mutation and addition of a missing protein segment. If the segment to be predicted already exists, loopy will delete the original segment and predict a new one to assemble onto the stems. If the segment to be predicted does not exist, the residue sequence of the missing segment must be provided and loopy will predict a segment with those residues and assemble it onto the two end stems. To make mutations to all of the residues in a protein segment, loopy will treat this as loop prediction as the case where the segment is missing described in the second case above. Segment mutation can also be done using our side-chain prediction program (scap). The difference is that in scap, the backbone is fixed while in loopy the backbone is to be predicted.

The loopy program first builds multiple initial conformations using an ab-initio method. Each of the conformation is then closed using random tweak method. Fast energy minimization in torsional angle space is then performed (paper under preparation) and side-chain is assembled using the scap program. Colony energy is used to sort out the best predictions. For details, please check our loopy paper (submitted).

The loopyMod program is similar to loopy (see description for loopy). There a couple of minor differences in how the loops are energy minimized which may result in loopy and loopyMod giving different results. However, these differences are minor and were done only to improve the speed. loopyMod has the ability to output all loop conformations to a single file in a PDB-NMR style format. This allows the user the option to consider alternate loop conformations instead of relying on loopy’s energy function to select the most favorable conformation. At the request of some users, we have included the "Random Tweak" option for anyone who wants to quickly generate loop backbone conformations. In theory, one could use loopy to generate the loop conformations, however, loopyMod makes generating the ensemble of loop conformations fast since the number of file IO operations is drastically reduced.

LoopBuilder is a fast and accurate protocol, for the prediction of loop conformations in proteins. The procedure includes extensive sampling of backbone conformations (loopyMod), side chain addition, the use of a statistical potential to select a subset of these conformations (Dfire), and, finally, an energy minimization and ranking with an all-atom force field (PLOP). The first two programs (loopyMod and Dfire) can be downloaded from this site. Unfortunately, we cannot distribute PLOP. Instead, users should go to: http://jacobson.compbio.ucsf.edu/plop_manual/plop_overview.htm


Using loopy

loopy -prm num -obj num-num -seed num -ini num -cid char -out num -sec char file.pdb
-prm   force parameters. default 1
-prm 1: CHARMM22 with all atom model
-prm 2: AMBER with all atom model
-prm 3: CHARMM with heavy atom model
-prm 4: AMBER with heavy atom model
-obj num-num: start and end id of loops to be predicted
-seed num: random seed number
-ini: number of initial conformations generated.default is 1000
-cid: chain id. default is the chain with empty space
-out: number of outputs. default is 1
-res: sequence of the segment. optional.
-fast: fast mode. default is 1.
-fast 0: fast mode off.
-fast 1: fast mode on.
file.pdb   pdb file

Using loopyMod

loopyMod -prm num -obj num-num -seed num -ini num -cid char -out num -sec char -NmrStyle num file.pdb
-prm   force parameters. default 1
-prm 1: CHARMM22 with all atom model
-prm 2: AMBER with all atom model
-prm 3: CHARMM with heavy atom model
-prm 4: AMBER with heavy atom model
-obj num-num: start and end id of loops to be predicted
-seed num: random seed number
-ini: number of initial conformations generated.default is 1000
-cid: chain id. default is the chain with empty space
-out: number of outputs. default is 1
-res: sequence of the segment. optional.
-fast: fast mode. default is 1.
-fast 0: fast mode off.
-fast 1: fast mode on.
-NmrStyle 1: used only with closeg since no side chain information is provided.
-NmrStyle 2: will output the loops in a compact PDB NMR style format.
-closeseg 1:  uses a very fast implementation of Random Tweak to generate closed loops.
file.pdb   pdb file


Address loopy-related questions to honig_software@c2b2.columbia.edu.


loopyMod is supported by a funding from the National Science Foundation Grant # MCB-0416708 and funding from the National Institute of Health Grant # GM30518.

Developed in the Honig Lab.